Awaken her & hold her hand
your reflection can talk to you
what’s left to say about this life, you ask?
my answers will be plenty
some calm the turmoil of chaos within our minds
others will give your body the love it deserves to hear
and some will leave you in a rut — questioning further
and further we go, into a world that gives you all the questions you need — to stay curious
this life wants you to be a true seeker — a seeker of truth & love
and what is love?
you are the love you seek
within you the world loves you,
loves you with thorns of tenderness
a pressure just right to calm your storms and make new waves
waves of change to dance with — to flow up, down, closer & further away from the solidity of this earth
an earth that has promised you beauty & harmony and left you in search of it all
an earth where gravity pulls you down as you try to transcend
up and away you search for your true self, you long to see & feel what’s new and always been there
what the others always knew and gravity-lovers suppressed
the need to be free is suppressed
the hands of filth have gotten to it now
clean it off!
see through the dirt & smeared glass
your reflection can talk to you with a wide smile of relief
You find You!
You’ve been seeking for so long from the inside out.
Now cleansed, your fears melt, your love explodes, your tears flow.
Hold her hand and walk the journey together.
You were never alone anyway.
She was always there — buried with mud of burdens.
Shut away with misery & despair.
Under the bright light you were unborn.
The thorn of truths sliced through the sounds that danced to the demons’ tunes.
Danced & danced till love struck through —
You are still not alone.
Head up, chest down, heart open, feet flat, you open all your eyes and see true colors of light.