Everyday Morning Show
And I’m the guest of honor
It’s a calm drill that part —
I twist and twirl in bed until I feel that my body is telling me its had enough sleep.
I gently get up, because somehow I want the day to be as simple as the way I left my bed this morning.
I use the toilet — wash my face — stare at myself in the mirror, thinking whether or not I need a new look yet — and I’m off to my mobile phone.
These days, since I work remotely, I’ve noticed myself only checking for emails at 8 AM rather than scrolling through Instagram.
Alright, nothing there this time, let me clear out the house, some cleaning here and there, and it’s coffee time! Probably my favourite part of the morning, which lasts approxomately 10 minutes tops.
The weather can impact my mood since I left my bedroom. Gloomy? Oh well, let me turn my laptop on and charge it — electricity might cut off any minute. Bright sunny day? I’ll wait for my partner to wake up and see where we can go with my laptop in my bag!
I chill on the balcony for a little bit of fresh air and some entertainment. And there they are, the Morning Characters . There he is, well-dressed as though he’s off to a meeting, yet he just likes to walk his little fluffy- always angry- brown dog like that. Neighbor’s gate creeks, she’s up looking like she’s off to a party, but then again, it’s kinda cute to put that much effort in the morning to feel and look good- she gets in her little car and off to work.
I start smelling sourdough; there’s a bakery & 2 coffee shops downstairs, so yum! Then again, their bread sucks! Woops!
Okay, enough, in we go, let’s check if I got any more emails. None there. Hunger kicks in. My partner doesn’t care much about breakfast, so I don’t usually wait for him to get up.
I make my oatmeal, sometimes just cornflakes with a banana, and I have it. “Still a calm day”, I tell myself.
It’s pretty where I live, it’s a vast area with nice and interesting objects all over our home. Christmas tree is up, our little cat is chilling under it most of the time, and the view is real nice. We can see the mountains through some beautiful tall pine trees.
It’s still 8:51 AM now. The reality show is about to hit any minute. Doesn’t have to be a bad one, it’s just much different than that little cute Everyday Morning Show we go through silently and calmly.