Help out your own mind and then spread that
We don’t need to change the whole world to feel the difference.
Your mind is remarkable, and the fact that we can have full control over it is enough reason to believe how great we can impact our own lives and that of others.
Most of us have to wake up early and rush to work, I’m not here to criticize that or tell you how to go about it, there are plenty of other articles that do that. Instead, I want to share with you some simple information that you might already know, but never thought about thoroughly or taken seriously.
Here’s the thing, when your body has been put to sleep, and I mean every organ of your body has been at rest and undisturbed, it means you were in an abstract state — dreaming. And having to wake up from that to face all the reality checks is in itself a big step, especially when your mind is open to anything you feed it at that very moment.
So the moment you open your eyes, you have already been given the greatest opportunity to boost yourself up with a simple act — smiling and understanding that today is another chance for you to make things better and face any challenges that life has for you. And I’m not saying that it’s easy to do that, on the contrary, this takes practice. Just repeat and repeat every day, direct the right thoughts into your mind until it all falls into your daily routine and becomes a habit — how about you replace checking your social media first thing in the morning with this practice?
Great, so you’ve made your morning start right and tried your best not to get off on the wrong foot, how about you spread that positivity?
Trust me when I say, a simple smile goes a long way, imagine what a positive comment would do? Now just visualize how great it would feel to receive or give out that smile and positive comment at the start of the day.
I did that today, first thing in the morning, I saw a guy’s face go from an extreme drop to a sparkling smile in just 2 seconds. Yup, 2! All I had to do was say good morning with a wide smile and ask him if he’s okay, and he replied with enthusiasm telling me what was wrong. The moment I told him, “It’s fine, this is just a few minutes of your day, and you have at least 12 more hours to make it right,” he stared at me in content and thanked me, he even added, “It was great seeing you”. I don’t even know him and I am certain I made his day much better.
Do that! Converse with others spread that positive vibe all over the place, I promise it’s free!