I Move Away to See it All Over Again
… otherwise we might as well have been a tree.
A lot of anything can overwhelm us, no matter how tough we think we are. Being in the middle of something for too long can hurt you.
Routine is a killer, for all of us, even if you’re going to sit there and tell me that you’re the type who can do the same exact shit every day, you’re lying!
Humans were not made to do that, otherwise we might as well have been a tree, grown roots in one spot, swayed with the wind, blossomed in spring and then withered and died in the cold. Instead, we were given the full ability to move. To move freely. We can always change our minds and make new decisions, forget and move on, neglect and give chances, think about new happy thoughts and help others do all that too. The amount of qualities we have are proof that we need to always step back to see it clearly, and do it again differently.
Noticing you’re in the middle of cluster, no matter what type, and you’re not sure where to go from there, remind yourself that you are a free soul. Don’t allow your mind to play tricks on you. Sit back. Contemplate. Regulate. And then redo it. Keep repeating that till you get it right, and by right I mean what makes you feel good, and never how others draw it out for you.
You’re going to hear it a lot, “life is too short”, but that’s not the bottom line here, life needs to mean something to us, and we have every second of it to make things count. You are never too young or too old for any of it, after all, there is no age to the amount of mistakes we all make and how many times we learn from that. It’s all a matter of picking ourselves back up and making less mistakes the next time.
When you’re in the middle of it all and your thoughts are flooding all over the place, it’s time to step back and move away. You are more than what you set your mind to, you’re beyond that. Every time you narrow down, spread away, see the bigger picture and adjust again and again and again…