Quarantine means the way you think needs to change
This is not another “what to do when at home” article
All I ‘ve been hearing these days is about how Covid-19 has changed the world. How it showed us to appreciate the slightest of things and how most of our life’s events and doings are temporary. And most importantly, how family is our only true shelter and so we should stay home often to cherish that.
Well, I say no to all that.
By “no”, I don’t mean to be negative, I don’t mean to show you that all of what I just mentioned isn’t entirely true, most of it is. But we’ve missed the greatest point here. We have failed to realise how sad this is. How hurtful and crazy such a phase is.
I don’t want to point fingers, I don’t want to get into the whole conspiracy behind the spread of this virus, that will take ages to crack, and by the end of the day we, the laboratory mice, will never know who’s behind it all. But I do want to highlight one thing, something that brings a squeeze to my heart and tears to my eyes.
How evil human beings are.
Look what we’ve brought the world to. We would do anything to be the ones in power. Collateral damage — we call it. Killing millions of souls from all around the world for the purpose of power, of winning, of showing who’s the boss here. It makes me sick to my stomach, that minds can join their corruptive thoughts to destroy an entire earth for the main reason of making more money, getting rid of “unuseful” beings, and by the end of it act the hero.
We’ve come this far with our plans. It hurts because if we could do this to the whole world, imagine how evil we could be with one another. Imagine how much destruction our ego is capable of. This is dangerous, this only shows us that as the world evolves (technologically), humanity diminishes.
Today, is a wake-up call, not to “find yourself” or become the painter/musician you’ve always wanted to be, just because you are in quarantine. Today is a wake-up call to all of humanity to understand that this earth has always truly been one, that the pains of the other side of the hemisphere are everyone’s pain. It’s a time to understand that when one part of this globe is hurting, we should all feel it, we should want to help, console, and care. Our silly notion of “oh it’s happening all the way in China, then we’re safe”, needs to end now. Because guess what, “technology” has made every single thing on earth more connected than it will ever be!