The Black Mamba Ain’t Out
Your retirement left everyone in tears, imagine what this has done to the world.
33,643 points — 1,346 games — 5-time NBA Champion — 2-time Olympics Gold Winner — 2-time NBA Winner — 2-time Finals MVP Winner for NBA Highest Scorer — Retired as Number 8 by Lakers — Retired as number 24 by Lakers — Winner of The Academy in 2018
Yeah, the Black Mamba ain’t out. His accomplishments and achievements’ impact shine brighter than the unfairness of his death.
When a professional athlete like Kobe Bryant passes away, it means we all mourn.
It means more than just a passing of another soul. From the moment he started his journey, he chose to inspire others, to show aggressive competitiveness to teach that to others, he wanted the world and his family to see what achieving your goals actually meant. He believed it was all about the journey and not the destination itself because that is what will help you attain your dreams. His fans, teammates, and of course his loyal family were larger than the dreams he wanted to see come true, and for that, he showed full gratitude, showed it off to the world, and took nothing for granted.
He is an iconic figure, not just for the sports world, but for everyone. After all, what he achieved as a Basketball player took the patience, skills, hard work, and the competitiveness that life itself needs in order for all of us to become great.
It is through Kobe’s every step of the way that we can learn more about life. He always chose to show up, train harder than he can, and push forward every second of his life. Every one of his teammates or even rivals have the same comment about him, “he was an inspiration”, “he was someone who wanted determination from everyone”, “he supported all of us”, “he wanted us to never give up.” He is a true human.
Whether we see it or not, his character, his sportsmanship, the manner in which everyone shows pure love for him, only reflects the qualities of an idol.
The path he chose after his retirement can only begin to show us the giving and caring traits that he has, and I dread pointing out, that it is extremely rare to find such humans around these days.
Learn from this. See the beauty of his journey. Comprehend how massive his dreams were. And cherish your loved ones, just like he did, till his last unfortunate breath.
Kobe, your daughter was so lucky to have had you.