Walk through one of your days right now
People keep telling me how every phase is a new chapter, I see it differently. I believe every day is a new chapter, a new beginning, one day after the other. You get to choose what you want to feel, how you want to go about things, and most importantly how you want to make others feel.
This might sound a bit too “lecturing” to you. Not my intention.
You’ve got a certain amount of time on your hands every day, and thankfully you are given the full authority to use it as you choose. It’s not easy to control what happens throughout your days, but you can slowly learn how to control the way you react towards certain situations.
It’s all about habit. Understand the means of facing a hard day and start applying that, over and again. Force your mindset to say “this is just another lesson”, and then watch how your own body will automatically start reacting the right way to situations that you once found hectic to deal with.
The minutes in our lives and our experiences are not here to solely torture us. There is literally a positive aspect to everything and anything that we go through. It’s simple once you think about it.
Walk through one of your days right now. How many times did you get up to a cute text? Or to some good news about your family? Maybe your cat purring at your toes? How about the amount of times you got to the office and was greeted by everyone sweetly? Compliments throughout the day? Comments about how “great the weekend was”?
Let’s get technical, contemplate the number of emails you reply to per day, or maybe the deadlines you’ve met spot on. Emotionally, the friends you’ve helped out, or the few words you’ve said to someone that has changed their entire flow of thoughts? I could go on forever, and I am certain that most of what I have mentioned occurs in all of our daily lives, maybe even all at once too.
All that is enough for us to be grateful. But I understand, even if we have 50 good things happening to us per day, we’re still going to go to bed thinking about that one thing that went wrong. That’s okay, as long as you do not dwell upon it, find a solution to it, and cherish those other 50 great encounters, yes 50 per day!